A Simple EXE file to fetch all the essential information of the PC or List of PC's in a Domain Network Get_PC_Info.exe (Download the file and run) Note: Only for Windows Environment
Disk Drive Information of a Computer HARD_DRIVE_INFO.bat ____________________________________________________________________ @echo off md OUTPUT echo. echo Fetching data................. echo. @echo OFF for /f %%s in ('type "Hosts.txt"') do call :PROCESS %%s echo. echo Fetching is Complete. Please refer "OUTPUT\" for the data. echo. pause goto :END :PROCESS @echo off if %os%==Windows_NT goto WINNT :WINNT ( echo. echo %1%, Drive, Free Space, Total Size @echo off for /f "tokens=1-3" %%a in ('WMIC /node:%1 LOGICALDISK GET FreeSpace^,Name^,Size ^|FINDSTR /I /V "Name"') do @echo wsh.echo ",%%b," ^& FormatNumber^(cdbl^(%%a^)/1024/1024/1024, 2, , , vbFalse^)^& " GB," ^& FormatNumber^(cdbl^(%%c^)/1024/1024/1024, 2, , , vbFalse^)^& " GB" > %temp%\tmp.vbs & @if not "%%c"=="" @echo( & @cscript //nologo %temp%\tmp.vbs & del %temp%\tmp.vbs) >> OUTP...